Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I could do so much more.

So, I created a new blog. Why? No idea. Kinda on the bored side really... Stopped playing WoW for a bit, not for any reason in particular, but long story short, The new Cataclysm xpac has been out now for a year (Came out 12/07/2010) and in this very very short year, they already put out the end boss for the xpac. They put out the final boss on 11/29/2011 and on 12/6/2011, I killed him. Granted it was on the easiest mode, but still. He's dead regardless. I have the achievement, and the achievement doesn't specify if I beat it on regular mode or easy mode... Just heroic mode.

So here I am, Final boss in WoW atm defeated and kinda twiddling my thumbs now. On top of that, my boyfriend and I were watching Doctor Who from season 1 (when it was remade in 2005) on netflix, and we pretty much finished all 5 seasons, and we are up to season 6, which is NOT on netflix... in addition to watching Doctor Who, we were watching Torchwood, and again, up to the last season available on netflix. So now kinda bored with netflix, trying to find a new series to get into.

To be perfectly honest tho, I'm not that thrilled with the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) in the Doctor Who series. I LOVED the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and the 9th Doctor was also really good (Christopher Eccleston). But after David Tennant "died", so did my want to watch Doctor Who died. I mean Matt Smith isn't BAD but, he's no David. Just different personality, and I think that since I only watched one season with Matt Smith, I didn't really have a chance to get used to him.


I guess what I'm trying to get at is why I have a Doctor Who themed blog this time around. ^.^

Well hate to make this short, but wanted to get a post out there and I will be writing more as time goes by.

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