Thursday, December 22, 2011

Let it Snow... Let it Snow... Let it... Be 56 Degrees?

First day of winter and it is 56 Degrees outside... Not that I'm complaining but, it just doesn't feel like it's christmas. This whole month though felt off. I see decorations up, but I'm just not feeling it. Maybe it's because I did all my shopping on Cyber Monday? Who knows. But there are a few things I need to get today... I need to get an outfit for a 9 month old... a birthday bag (today is my stepmom's birthday) and a few other little things, stocking stuffers and such... But it still doesn't feel like christmas.

So I guess the 2nd post is a good time to introduce myself a bit... I'm sure you can guess, My name is Jessica and I'm 26 years old (going on 21 :p) I'm a lot for most to handle due to my Enthusiastic, intense nature. I'm very outspoken, but I'm really very nice. I'm actually rather selfless, I love to give and it's ok if I don't get back because I just love to see others happy. I wouldn't call it a "flaw" but it it is bad in certian circumstances because sometimes I hurt myself in the process... but I never let it stop me, I keep going strong in the end, and I think that's why sometimes people don't really understand me because why would a person go out of their way so much for nothing in return? Who knows, but thats how I am and it't really never going to change.

I go out with an AMAZING guy Named Pete, a drummer for 4 bands and is an all around awsome person. Best Person EVER. Pete Really is the Love of my life, I havent met anyone who is as awsome and as sweet and loving as him. He really makes me happy. All my worries are gone when i'm with him. I am the happiest and Luckiest person in the world right now. I'm serious when I say I am DONE looking. I really found the person I want to be with. Call me crazy, call me what you will, I know how I feel and I know how he makes me feel. He treats me like a princess. no, not a princess, a Queen. He remembers the little things that I mention. The things he does are amazing. HE is an amazing person and I am so greatful that he is in my life. I love my baby.! ♥

I always believe I'm right about everything, I hate to admit defeat, and I feel I have to be as good if not better than everyone at anything. I can be on the stubborn side, and even if I am wrong, and I KNOW I'm wrong, I would still push to show why I thought I was right, no matter how annoyed people might be. I'm very opinionated, with a short temper, I get mad or upset easily, and I'll tell you if you've pissed me off. But on the flip side, if you get mad at me, I take it offensivly. I actually get more upset that I made you mad and I do everything in my power to make it right again. I'm the type who believes in second chances, I'm pretty easy to please and a compliment can override any insult.

I'm not very girly, I'd rather stay home and play video games or Make a Webpage than go out shopping or trying on clothes, I don't wear a lot of make-up, and I rather wear sneakers than high heels.

I have a sick sense of humor, and my love for South Park and Family Guy would show for that, and I'd probably laugh at you if you got eaten by a shark. Obviously the laughter would quickly stop and crying would follow.

I'm known to come out with the most obvious things; for example a girl gets hit by a car - I say, "Oh my god, that girl just got hit by a car!". I mess things up a lot, I'm a bit of a procrastinator, and when I start a project, I kinda stop after I get too bored of it. But I don't sit and moan about it, I pick myself up and carry on, because lifes too short. I'm very self-conscious, and I get embarassed easily, even though I try to make it look more like a joke and try to laugh at myself.

I like to repeat words over and over again until they seem to have no meaning. I'm kinda shy with new people, but I usually make the first move to introduce myself and talk to the person if I see they are the shy type, and sometimes it takes me a while to open up, but in general I am a very friendly-warm person. I'm a good friend, and I'm the type you can always come to if your in trouble or need help.

It's easy to make friends with me, but it is near impossible for you to win back my friendship after you've hurt or betrayed me. I HATE it when people are looking over my shoulder, it is one thing that pisses me off above all things. If I'm on the computer and if I'm not showing you anything, just don't stand behind me. I will stop everything I am doing because you are standing there. I can't stand it. I am probably one of the laziest people you will ever meet, I would sit and watch a channel I dont like, simply because I can't be bothered to reach over for the remote control.

I need some kind of motivation to do things, I need something to push me. Weather it be someone denying me something or not giving me something, as long as I get that push, and that constant push, then I will finally finish what I started (most the time) I don't care for people who get their "jollies" from starting internet drama with me. I find it childish and I will not be bothered in anyway by your attempts to make me feel bad about myself. Trolls do not get fed from my pot and I find it fun to feed them in a fun amusing way that benfits myself.

Well I guess thats pretty much it about me... Oh! I do have the one thing about music, but I'll save that for another post because I'm sure I've bored you to the point of ytmnd!

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